Prepare for an extraordinary cinematic experience as “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” gears up to hit theaters worldwide in early June. Adding to the excitement, one of the film’s central characters, the Autobot “Mirage,” will take the form of a legendary Porsche 911 Carrera RS 3.8, immersing audiences in a thrilling alliance of automotive excellence and action-packed adventure.

Returning with a captivating blend of spectacle and high-octane action, “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” whisks viewers away on a globetrotting escapade set in the 1990s. In this installment, a fresh faction of Transformers, known as the Maximals, joins forces with the Autobots in their relentless fight to defend planet Earth.

Embodying the spirit of resilience and heroism, the Autobot “Mirage” assumes the breathtaking shape of the Porsche 911 Carrera RS 3.8 (964). The choice of this vehicle holds profound significance, aligning not only with the film’s 1994 setting but also capturing the essence of “Mirage’s” character traits. Oliver Hoffmann, Head of Marketing Communications at Porsche AG, explains, “The 911 Carrera RS 3.8 is a perfect match for ‘Mirage,’ showcasing its combination of toughness, compassion, and occasional rebellious streak.”

The Porsche 911 Carrera RS 3.8 stands as a revered automotive gem, with only 55 units ever crafted, rendering it an exceedingly rare and sought-after piece of automotive history. To safeguard the original models from potential damage during filming, five meticulously crafted replica cars were created, indistinguishable from the iconic 964 model in appearance. However, to preserve authenticity, the film utilized the actual engine sound of a genuine 911 RS 3.8, ensuring an immersive and realistic experience for audiences. Ayesha Coker, Vice President of Marketing at Porsche Cars North America, explains, “Capturing the distinct sound of the 911 model depicted in the film was crucial to us. Despite the challenge of sourcing limited production 911s, we are thrilled with the result and are confident that audiences will be delighted as well.”

Each replica car served a specific purpose on the film set. One was skillfully modified for high-speed reverse sequences, another was tailored for thrilling stunt performances, while a separate vehicle allowed for remote control, bringing the artist inside to life on the big screen.

Irene Trachtenberg, SVP Worldwide Marketing Partnerships at Paramount, expresses her enthusiasm for the groundbreaking collaboration with Porsche, stating, “We are thrilled to have partnered with the Porsche team to bring Autobot Mirage to life in a unique, iconic, and unforgettable way. This collaboration brilliantly showcases the adventurous and heroic spirit shared by both the bot and its remarkable car form.”

Directed by Steven Caple Jr. and featuring a talented cast including Anthony Ramos and Dominique Fishback, “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts” promises an adrenaline-fueled cinematic extravaganza. Buckle up and get ready for an unforgettable ride when the film arrives in theaters this June.